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  • Woking
  • Surrey
  • GU21 6LN
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  • 96 Goldsworth Road
  • Woking
  • Surrey
  • GU21 6LN

I QUIT! Make Smoking a memory

I QUIT! Make Smoking a memory


Would you like to stop smoking?
Have you heard about the Stoptober campaign?

This campaign is all about helping you to quit. It is being rolled out Nationally from the 1st of October for 28 days. It is being supported nationally by the NHS Stop Smoking services, and you can follow the link below to sign up for lots of free help and advice including motivational texts and e mails, an app and a shared Facebook page to provide extra support.

Why should I try this?

There is evidence that if you can stop for 28 days you are more likely to stop for good. You will have lots of support to help you from other people who are also determined to quit.

You will have nicer breath, a whiter smile and healthier gums, not to mention a whole healthier new you.

You could treat yourself to some tooth whitening or a special “super clean” including Airflow removal of stubborn stains with one of our hygienists with the money you save to give you a dazzling smile for Christmas. Come and visit us here in Woking.

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